Low Income Pool (LIP) Council
2008 Meetings Archive
December 15, 2008
- Agenda Item 5:
- Comparison of Table 5
- Pinellas County Health Plan Presentation
- Florida Department of Health Presentation
- Model 6 - Coded
- Model 7 - Coded
- Model 7 - Tiered Exemptions
- Model 8 - Codes
- Model 8 - Tiered Exemptions
- Model 9 - FHS
November 14, 2008
- Agenda Item 4:
- Agenda Item 5:
- Model 5: No Buy Backs, $25m In New General Revenue and a Projected Increase in DSH with Tiered Exemptions and Reduced Allocation Factor
- Model 5: Modified Tiered Extension
- Model 4 and 5 Table 5: Nets Comparison
September 19, 2008
Projected Effects of Proposed Changes to Rebasing
- Table 5 Nets, SFY 2008-09, Models 1, 2 & 3
- Projected Effects of Proposed changes to Rebasing, 5% Reduction for Exemptions
- Projected Effects of Proposed Changes to Rebasing with 13% Threshold
- Low Income Pool (LIP) Payments to Low-Income Hospitals State Fiscal Year 2008 - 2009 Calculation of Charity Care Days and Bad Debt Days
- Florida Hospital Uniform Reporting System (FHURS), Presented by Ryan Fitch, Regulator Analyst Supervisor, Financial Analysis Unit
- Final FY 2010 FMAP Projections. September 18, 2008
July 28, 2008
- Direction to Memorial Regional Hospital
- Meeting Agenda
- Approved Meeting Summary
- Agenda Item 6: Table 6 Anticipated Funding for State Fiscal Year 2008-2009
- Florida’s Economy: The Outlook
- Health Intervention with Targeted Services (HITS) Program
- Department of Health LIP Proposal
January 30, 2008
- Agenda Item 4:
- Agenda Item 5a:
- Model 15
- Model 16
- Model 17
- Model 18
- Model 19
- Model 20
- Model 21A
- Model 21B
- Model Summary
- Transmittal Letter
- Low Income Pool Council Questions and Answers
- List of Total Additional LIP Funding Requested for SFY 2008-09
- Pilot -- Limited Benefit Health Insurance Product Discussion Document January 24, 2008
- Blue Cross Response Letter
January 11, 2008
Hillsborough County Aviation Authority Board Room Directions
- Agenda Item 3: LIP Presentations
- Agenda Item 4:
- Agenda Item 5:
- Health Care District of Palm Beach County
- The Children's Trust
- Legislative Request Pilot Healthcare Reform Initiative, Health Intervention with Targeted Services (HITS) Program
- Limited Benefit Health Insurance Product
- Miami-Dade Office of Countywide Healthcare Planning Data Information
- Review of exemption costs based on January 1, 2008 rates
- Model 12 - No additional funding, reduce exemptions due to loss of non-recurring State General Revenue Funds, no reductions in LIP
- Model 13 - Tiered adjustments to exemptions, proportional reduction to LIP as necessary for additional funding requirements
- Model 14 - Exemptions fully funded, adjustments to Special LIP, remove LIP1, LIP2, & LIP3 categories, replace with LIP4 and LIP5 categories (distributed based on IGTs and Medicaid and Charity utilization)
- Summary of Nets Models 12 and 14
If you have question regarding the LIP Council or LIP Council meetings, please contact:
Nicole Linn [email protected] (850) 412-4077