Related Documents Low Income Pool (LIP)
SFY 2022-23 1115 Waiver Special Terms and Conditions LIP Deliverables
- SFY 2021-22 LIP Payments and Charity Care
- SFY 2021-22 LIP Funding by Local and State Government
- Estimated Amount of Uncompensated Care to be Furnished Through Charity Care
SFY 2021-22 1115 Waiver Special Terms and Conditions LIP Deliverables
- SFY 2020-21 LIP Payments and Charity Care
- SFY 2020-21 LIP Funding by Local and State Government
- Estimated Amount of Uncompensated Care to be Furnished Through Charity Care
SFY 2020-21 1115 Waiver Special Terms and Conditions LIP Deliverables
- SFY 2017-18 LIP Cost Limit Summary
- SFY 2019-20 LIP Payments and Charity Care
- SFY 2019-20 LIP Funding by Local and State Government
- Estimated Amount of Uncompensated Care to be Furnished Through Charity Care
SFY 2019-20 1115 Managed Medical Assistance Waiver, LIP FQHC Amendment
SFY 2019-20 1115 Waiver Special Terms and Conditions LIP Deliverables
SFY 2018-19 1115 Waiver Special Terms and Conditions LIP Deliverables
- SFY 2016-17 LIP Cost Limit Summary
- Estimated Amount of Uncompensated Care to be Furnished Through Charity Care
- SFY 2017-18 LIP Payments and Charity Care
- SFY 2017-18 LIP Funding by Local and State Governments
Study of Hospital Funding and Payment Methodologies for Florida Medicaid
Study of Hospital Funding and Payment Methodologies for Florida Medicaid (Final) , February 27, 2015
MMA Waiver Extension Request (2014-2017) of the 1115 Research and Demonstration Waiver
On November 27, 2013, the Agency submitted a three-year waiver extension request to Federal CMS to extend Florida's 1115 MMA Waiver for the period July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2017. Please refer to the Federal Authorities webpage for more information on the waiver extension request.
SFY 2017-18 1115 Waiver Special Terms and Conditions LIP Deliverables
- Estimated Amount of Uncompensated Care to be Furnished Through Charity Care
- SFY 2015-16 LIP Cost Limit Summary
- SFY 2016-17 Low Income Pool (LIP) Payments and FY 2016 Charity Care
- SFY 2016-17 Low Income Pool Funding by Local and State Governments
SFY 2016-17 LIP Monitoring Plan
SFY 2016-17 1115 Waiver Special Terms and Conditions LIP Deliverables
- SFY 2015-16 Low Income Pool (LIP) Payments and FY 2015 Charity Care
- SFY 2015-16 Low Income Pool Funding by Local and State Governments
Medicaid Supplemental Hospital Funding Programs SFY 2015-16 Final Conference for Senate Bill 2500-A
Medicaid Hospital Funding Programs
Approved Florida MMA Special Terms and Conditions (STCs)
Medicaid Supplemental Hospital Funding Programs SFY 2014-15 Final Conference for House Bill 5001
- Medicaid Supplemental Hospital Funding Programs SFY 2014-15 Final Conference for House Bill 5001
- MSHFP SFY 2014-15 LIP Model Attachment I
- MSHFP SFY 2014-15 Attachment II
- SFY 2014-15 Participating LIP Hospitals for 1st and 2nd Quarter
Medicaid Supplemental Hospital Funding Programs Fiscal Year 2013-2014 Final Conference Report for House Bill 1500
- Medicaid Supplemental Hospital Funding Programs Fiscal Year 2013-2014 Final Conference Report for House Bill 1500
- Funding Request Criteria for State Fiscal 2007-2008
- Milestone Reporting Requirements
- LIP Milestone Reporting Document Terms and Definitions
- Permissible Expenditures Certification Form
SFY 2010-11 LIP Primary Care Grant Application
LIP Report by North Highland
- Letter from Northhighland to Phil Williams, Assistant Deputy Secretary for Medicaid, February 15, 2010
- Recommendations on the Financing and the Distribution of Funds for the Low-Income Pool, Disproportionate Share Hospital Program and Adjustments to Hospital Outpatient and Inpatient Rates for FY 2010-2011, February 15, 2010
LIP Council Recommendations to Governor and Legislature
- LIP Council Recommendation SFY 2011-2012
- LIP Council Recommendation SFY 2010-2011
- LIP Council Recommendation SFY 2012-2013
- Letter to State Officials re LIP Council Recommendations, January 31, 2012
Medicaid Supplemental Hospital Funding Programs Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Conference Committee Report on SB 2000
Council Recommendations to Governor and Legislature for SFY 2013-14
$35 Million LIP Primary Care Award
Modified Special Term and Condition 105
The program and expenditure information used for the report required under STC #105.2a was provided by the hospitals. This information has not been audited by the Agency and the reporting is anticipated to be refined in the future. The hospitals were asked by the Agency to identify programs and fiscal allocations within each hospital's operating budget that relate to non-inpatient settings such as primary care clinics. The Agency reserves the right to request additional information and or supporting documents related to the submission by the hospitals.
- Amended Special Term and Condition 105.1a updated and resubmitted to CMS on 6/14/2010
- Amended Special Term and Condition 105.1a submitted to CMS 4/30/2010
Letter to Mr. Mark Pahl, Project Office, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, June 29, 2010
Re: Florida's Medicaid Reform Section 1115 Demonstration: Special Term and Condition (STC) #105.1(b) -
Amended Special Term and Condition 105.2a
State Fiscal Year 2009-10 Low Income Pool funding of Funding Alternative Delivery Systems, Submitted May 31, 2010 - Attachment 1 - Sample Section 1115 2a Letter
- Attachment 1 - Continued - Report Template
- Attachment 2 - List of Programs
- Florida Reform Section 1115 STC 105 Letter
Letter to Mr. Mark Pahl, Project Office, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, June 29, 2010
Re: Florida's Medicaid Reform Section 1115 Demonstration: Special Term and Condition (STC) #105.2(b)
Status of DY 10 and DY 11 Low Income Pool Distribution Model Development
The distribution model for Demonstration Year 10 (DY 10) can be found in GAA, and the legislature will have final say in next year’s (DY 11) distribution method based on final Standard Terms and Conditions. The documents below are related to drafts of the Special Terms and Conditions that are still being negotiated. CMS established the funding amounts and parameters for the pool and, AHCA, with extensive input from the legislative staff and stakeholders, including the Florida Hospital Association, the Safety Net Hospital Alliance of Florida and HCA, continues to negotiate the final details. Funding for the current fiscal year has been secured, and we continue to work with stakeholders and CMS on a final deal.
- Temporary Extension Approval from CMS - 06/30/15
- From CMS Draft Expenditure Authorization - 08/11/15
- From CMS Draft STCs - 08/11/15
- From CMS Draft Waiver Authorization - 08/11/15
- Florida Safety Net Hospital Alliance STC Initial Review - 8/12/15
- Florida Medical School Deans Comments DRAFT STCs - 08/13/15
- HCA Hospitals Comments DRAFT STCs - 08/13/15
- STC Draft Comments (Memorial Healthcare System) - 8/13/15
- FHA Comments re Draft STCs - 8/13/15
- To CMS Draft STCS - State Changes - 08/27/15
- Temporary Extension Approval from CMS - 08/31/15
- To CMS Draft Waiver Autherization - State Changes - 09/04/15
- Temporary Extension Approval from CMS - 09/15/15
- Temporary Extension Approval from CMS - 09/30/15
Please mail your comments or suggestions to:
Bureau of Medicaid Program Finance
Agency for Health Care Administration
2727 Mahan Drive, MS #23
Tallahassee, Florida 32308
Email your comments and suggestions on Medicaid reform to:
[email protected]