2018-2023 Medicaid Managed Care Plan Report Guide
The Medicaid Managed Care Plan Report Guide (Report Guide) is a companion to each Managed Care Plan’s Contract with the Agency for Health Care Administration. It provides details of plan reporting requirements including instructions, location of templates, and submission directions.
Beginning December 1, 2018, this Report Guide provides report guidance and requirements for the following types of Managed Care Plans:
- Managed Medical Assistance Health Maintenance Organizations (MMA HMOs)
- Managed Medical Assistance Capitated Provider Service Networks (MMA Capitated PSNs)
- Managed Medical Assistance Specialty Plans (MMA Specialty Plans)
- Managed Medical Assistance Children’s Medical Services Plan (MMA CMS Plan)
- Comprehensive Long-term Care Plans (Comprehensive LTC Plans)
- Long-term Care Plus Plans (LTC Plus Plans)
- Dental Plans (DPs)