February 2015 Waiver Amendment - iBudget
The Agency is requesting an amendment of the Developmental Disabilities Individual Budgeting (iBudget) Waiver to: (1) update quality performance measures, (2) revise estimated frequency of service utilization (J-Table estimates), (3) amend provider requirements, (4) amend provider enrollment process, (5) update title of Quality Improvement Organization to contracted vendor, (6) request an increase in the unduplicated number of participants, (7) delete family and guardian training service, (8) revise the name of ‘transportation day service’ to ‘transportation month service’, (9) update mandatory spousal impoverishment information, and (10) update Medicaid agency contact person, (11) add language regarding rulemaking, (12) technical edits to correct reference to Down Syndrome and intellectual disability, (13) revise language regarding selection of entrants to the waiver, (14) add supported living coaching to services provided in the facility, (15) provide information about safeguards and State oversight regarding the use of seclusion (16) update the public notice process and (17) include the draft iBudget transition plan in compliance with the HCB Settings Rule
The requested changes can be found in:
- Appendices A, B, C, D, G and I (Quality Improvement)
- Appendix J-2-d (Estimate of Factor D)
- Appendix C-1/C-3 (Provider Specifications for Service)
- Appendix C-2-f (Open Enrollment of Providers)
- Update to contracted vendor occurs throughout the waiver document
- Appendix B-3-a (Unduplicated Number of Participants) and Appendix J-2-a (Distribution of Unduplicated Participants by Level of Care)
- Appendix C-1 (family and guardian training service deleted)
- Appendix J-2 (Component management for a waiver service.)
- Appendix B-5-a (checkbox), Appendix B-5-e (Regular Post-Eligibility Treatment of Income), and B-5-g (Post-Eligibility Treatment of Income Using Spousal Impoverishment Rules)
- Main-7-A (Contact Person)
- Appendix A-2-b (Medicaid Agency Oversight of Operating Agency Performance
- B-1-b (Additional Criteria)
- B-3-f (Selection of Entrants to the Waiver)
- C-2-c-i (Types of Facilities Subject to s.1616(e))
- Appendix G-2-c-i (Safeguards Concerning the Use of Seclusion) and G-2-c-ii (State Oversight Responsibility)
- Main-6-I (Public Input)
- Main-A. Attachment #2 (Home and Community-Based Settings Rule)
Here is the link to the Draft iBudget Waiver Amendement .
To facilitate the review of the iBudget Waiver Amendment, the Agency has created an iBudget Waiver Amendment Guide that can be used in conjunction with a highlighted version of the waiver amendment document. The highlighted amendment document outlines where the changes that were made to the waiver can be located and the amendment guide further explains those changes.
Here is the link to the iBudget Waiver Amendment Guide .
Here is the link to the Highlighted Draft iBudget Amendment .
A hard copy of the waiver amendment may be requested by contacting us directly either by phone at (850) 412-4179 or by mail at:
Agency for Health Care Administration
Attention: HCBS Waivers
2727 Mahan Drive, MS #20
Tallahassee, Florida 32308
To submit comments by postal service or internet e-mail, please follow the directions outlined below. When providing comments regarding the draft amendment to the iBudget Waiver, please have ‘iBudget Waiver Amendment’ referenced in the subject line.
Comments and suggestions can be mailed to:
Agency for Health Care Administration
Attention: HCBS Waivers
2727 Mahan Drive, MS #20
Tallahassee, Florida 32308
Comments and suggestions can be emailed to:
[email protected].