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Meaningful Use: Stage 2

Electronic Health Records Incentive Program Banner

Meaningful Use: Stage 2

On August 23, 2012, CMS released the State 2 Meaningful Use Final Rule. Through the Stage 2 requirements of the EHR Incentive Programs, CMS expanded meaningful use of certified EHR technology. The rule consolidated several existing Stage 1 objectives and added new objectives for Stage 2. There will be 20 measures for EPs (17 core and 3 of 6 menu) in Stage 2.

Stage 2 is effective January 1, 2014 for EPs and all providers attesting to Meaningful Use will have a 90 day reporting period in 2014 regardless of the EP’s Meaningful Use stage.

For more information about the final rule see the CMS Stage 2 Final Rule Fact Sheet[ application/pdf ]. This fact sheet speaks to both the Medicare Incentive Program and the Medicaid Incentive Program.

To view the Stage 2 Final Rule as it is posted, please refer to the Federal Registry .

Before you start an application for the 2014 program year, make sure your EHR has been upgraded with 2014 certification.  2014 certification is required whether you are attesting to adopt, implement, upgrade (AIU) or 90 days of Meaningful Use.

Please refer to the overview of Stage 2 Measures [ pdf 66 kB ] .

For details, see the Stage 2 EP Meaningful Use Core and Menu Measures [ pdf 435.7 kB ] .

Meaningful Use applications must have, at a minimum, the following documentation uploaded: