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Meaningful Use Overview

Electronic Health Records Incentive Program Banner

Meaningful Use Overview

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 has the goal of improving the quality and effectiveness of health care through the expanded use of Electronic Health Records as measured by Meaningful Use. 

The five priorities of Meaningful Use are:

  • Improving safety, quality and efficiency while reducing health disparities;
  • Engaging patients and families in their care;
  • Improving care coordination;
  • Improving population and public health;
  • Ensuring privacy and security of personal health information.

Medicaid eligible professionals did not have to demonstrate meaningful use in their first payment year. They only had to demonstrate that they Adopted, Implemented, or Upgraded (AIU) to certified EHR technology.

In order for an eligible professional to receive payment in the second year of participation, they will have to attest to meaningful use of certified EHR for a continuous 90-day period. In subsequent years, the Meaningful Use reporting period is the entire calendar year. The Meaningful Use Tip sheet [ pdf 72 kB ] has been developed to help providers prepare for Meaningful Use attestation.

Refer to  Program Participation Overview [ pdf 156.2 kB ]   for further information.