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Medicaid Certified School Match Program

Florida Medicaid’s Covered Services and HCBS Waivers

Medicaid Certified School Match Program

Medicaid will reimburse Medicaid enrolled school districts that employ or contract with staff that provides Medicaid covered services to recipients in school.

This service is not one of the minimum covered services for managed care plans serving Medicaid enrollees.


Florida Medicaid recipients who meet the following criteria may receive school based services:

  • Under the age of 21 years
  • Considered disabled in accordance with section 393.063, F.S.
  • Entitled to school district services under IDEA, Part B or Part C, per section 409.9071, F.S.
  • Have services referenced on the IEP or IFSP
  • Have a 504 plan in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.

Resource Information

The Florida Medicaid coverage policies, fee schedules, and Rule are available on the Agency Website.