Florida Medicaid Reform Health Plan Application, Model Contracts and Updates
Florida Medicaid Reform Health Plan Application, Model Contracts and Updates The Application for Medicaid Reform Fee-For-Service Provider Service Networks (PSNs), Prepaid PSNs, Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) and other authorized Health Plans and the Reform Health Plan Model Contracts are now available. The multi-purpose Health Plan Application is designed to capture detailed information that will facilitate a contract between the Agency and any PSN, HMO or other authorized Health Plans that meet the requirements to become a Medicaid Reform Health Plan.
Reform Capitated Contract Documents (HMO and Capitated PSN)
Attachment II - Medicaid Reform Consolidated Model Capitated Health Plan Contract March 2009
Attachment II - Medicaid Reform Consolidated Model Capitated Health Plan Contract January 2008
Attachment II - Medicaid Reform Model Capitated Health Plan Contract January 2007
Medicaid Reform Capitated Health Plan Contract October 2007
Final Reform HMO General Amendment 1
Final Reform HMO General Amendment 2
Final Draft Reform HMO General Amendment 6
Final Draft Reform HMO General Amendment 7
Reform PSN Contract Documents
Attachment II - Medicaid Reform Fee-for-Service PSN Consolidated Contract, January 2008
Attachment II - Medicaid Reform Fee-for-Service PSN Consolidated Contract, January 2008 (Redlined - Track Changes)