QAF – Quality Assessment Fee
Please remember to remit your
Quality Assessment Fees to:
Agency for Health Care Administration
Mail Stop #14
2727 Mahan Drive
Tallahassee, Florida 32308
When submitting NHQAF and ICFDD payments, in order to speed up the process of crediting your account, please remember to include a copy of the invoice or some documentation regarding the reason and facility to which the payment applies. Additionally, AHCA has implemented electronic deposits of payments, which involves scanning the check or money order into the bank deposit. Because of this, please do not staple the check to any documentation, this will ensure that the payment can be processed as quickly as possible.
Please click here for the Nursing Facility Quality Assessment (NFQA)
More Information
During a Special Session of the Florida Legislature in January 2009, Senate Bill 8-A passed as Chapter 2009-4, Laws of Florida, creating the Quality Assessment on Nursing Home Facility Providers in section 409.9082, Florida Statutes, and is effective April 1, 2009. The Agency for Health Care Administration is responsible for implementing this assessment which is calculated monthly on a per-resident-day basis excluding Medicare resident days.
The Agency has developed an online reporting form for nursing homes to submit required information each month. In order to comply with this new statute, it is imperative that each licensed nursing home report their data online and remit their monthly assessment payment no later than the 20th of the following reporting month.
Attached are registration providing step-by-step directions and screenshots. If you or your staff have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact us via email at [email protected].
Quarterly Reports: Updated July - September 2024
Assessment Cost Document, October 2020
Effective for the October 2018 Quality Assessment reporting month, new bed day rates have been assigned to each skilled nursing facility. Please click on the Assessment Cost Document (either the Excel or PDF version) to view your facility's new non-Medicare bed day rate.
Please click here for the Intermediate Care Facility for the Developmentally Disabled Quality Assessment (ICF/DD)
More Information
Earlier this year, Senate Bill 1658 passed as Chapter 2009-55, Laws of Florida, creating the Quality Assessment on privately owned Intermediate Care Facilities for the Developmentally Disabled in section 409.9083, Florida Statutes and is effective October 1, 2009. The Agency for Health Care Administration is responsible for implementing this assessment which is calculated monthly on a per-resident-day basis. The Agency has developed an online reporting form for ICF/DD’s to submit required information each month.
In order to comply with this new statute, it is imperative that each licensed ICF/DD report their data online and remit their monthly assessments no later than the 15th of the following reporting month.
Attached are registration instructions providing step-by-step directions and screenshots. If you or your staff have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact us via email at [email protected].
For additional assistance with registration, reporting and remittance, please contact:
Katrina Derico-Harris
Finance & Accounting Director
Bureau of Financial Services
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 850/412-3822
For additional assistance concerning Medicaid Quality Assessment Fee policy rates and issues please contact:
Yndia Rutland
Acting Regulatory Analyst Supervisor
Nursing Home Reimbursement
Bureau of Medicaid Program Finance
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 850/412-4111