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Eligible Hospitals

Electronic Health Records Incentive Program Banner


Eligible Hospitals

Hospitals eligible for Medicaid incentive payments are acute care hospitals, critical access hospitals, and children’s hospitals. Incentive payments to eligible hospitals are based on a formula in which a base incentive amount for all hospitals is modified by the number of Medicaid patient discharges, as well as other factors.  Refer to the Hospital Fact Sheet [ pdf 169.3 kB ] for further details on eligibility and participation requirements.

To qualify for payments, Eligible Hospitals (EHs) must be using certified EHR technology. Standards, implementation specifications, and certification criteria for EHR technology have been adopted by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. EHR technology must be certified by an ONC-Authorized Testing and Certification Body (ONC-ATCB).  For more information, please see the Certified Health IT Product List.

Hospital incentive payments are calculated based on individual hospital factors.  Total incentive payments are paid out over a three year period based on a 50% payout the 1st year, 40% payout the 2nd year, and 10% payout the third and final year.

Eligible Hospitals must register and begin receiving incentive payments by the end of Program Year 2016. Starting in 2016, hospitals must participate on a consecutive year basis and must receive an incentive payment each year in order to continue participating in the program.

To assist Eligible Hospitals in determining their payment, the Florida Hospital Payment Calculation Template [ excel 22.2 kB ] .

For additional information on hospital requirements including Meaningful Use requirements, visit CMS Eligible Hospital Information. For questions regarding Eligible Hospitals, please contact Jaime Bustos at [email protected]