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Florida Medicaid Preferred Drug List (PDL)

Florida Medicaid Preferred Drug List (PDL)

The Florida Medicaid Preferred Drug List is subject to revision following consideration and recommendations by the Pharmaceutical and Therapeutics (P&T) Committee and the Agency for Health Care Administration.

The Changes Summary Report lists only changes made to the Preferred Drug List as a result of the P&T Committee meeting on December 13, 2024.  It does not include changes made between meeting dates.  Always refer to the Preferred Drug List document for the most current list of preferred drugs.

Changes Summary Report [ pdf 141.9 kB ] Effective 1/1/2025

The Preferred Drug List was updated from the December 13, 2024, P&T Committee meeting. Open the attached list and use the Adobe Acrobat search tool to locate specific drugs by name or HIC3 therapeutic class. Please read the first page for important additional information.

Preferred Drug List [ pdf 2.3 MB ] Effective 1/1/2025

Important information regarding quantity and/or age limits for various drugs may be found at the following link:
Summary of Drug Limitations [ pdf 1 MB ]  2/28/2025.

The Quick Reference Guide for Physician Administered Preferred Drugs below includes preferred products from the December 13, 2024, P&T Committee meeting of physician administered drug billing codes and quantities effective January 1, 2024. Visit the Provider Reimbursement Schedules and Billing Codes Page for the complete list of covered Prescribed Drugs Physician Administered Billing Codes.

Quick Reference Guide [ pdf 138.6 kB ]  Effective 1/1/2025

The fee-for-service Fee Schedule Look-Up Tool, located on the Fiscal Agent's website is available to view provider reimbursement rates for HCPCS codes.

Fee Schedule Look-Up Tool