Report Medicaid Fraud
Medicaid Fraud and Abuse Online Complaint Form (to report suspected fraud and/or abuse in the Florida Medicaid system) Please see below for more information about Medicaid fraud and abuse
Suspected Medicaid fraud by ineligible recipients may be reported to the Florida Department of Children and Families, Office of Public Benefits Integrity
Medicaid Fraud: Protect Your Tax Dollars
The Medicaid program is funded with both state and federal tax dollars. It is designed to pay for health care for low-income and vulnerable Floridians (children, pregnant women, disabled adults and seniors) who need care. When people get benefits they don’t deserve, or when providers are paid for services that were not supplied, it wastes your tax dollars and takes services away from those who need them. The above Medicaid Fraud and Abuse Online Complaint Form is submitted directly to the Agency’s Bureau of Medicaid Program Integrity to evaluate allegations of suspected fraud or abuse in the Florida Medicaid program.
Medicaid fraud means an intentional deception or misrepresentation made by a health care provider or a Medicaid recipient with the knowledge that the deception could result in some unauthorized benefit to him or herself or some other person. It includes any act that constitutes fraud under federal or state law related to Medicaid.
To report suspected Medicaid fraud by health care providers, in addition to reporting to the Agency, you may also contact the Office of Attorney General at 1-866-966-7226 or file a complaint online at
Many providers who commit Medicaid fraud fall into one or more of these categories:
- billing for patients who did not really receive services,
- billing for a service and/or equipment that wasn’t provided,
- billing for items and services that the patient no longer needs,
- overcharging for equipment or services,
- concealing ownership or associations in a related company,
- paying a “kickback” in exchange for a referral for medical services or equipment,
- billing more than once for the same service,
- using false credentials such as diplomas, licenses or certifications, or
- ordering tests or prescriptions that the patient does not need.
You can report suspected fraud without giving your name. However, if you do provide your name and contact information and the assigned investigator has questions, they will be able to better investigate the allegations.
Before you make a report, be prepared to provide as much information as possible, including:
- the name of the person you suspect of committing fraud. This might be a person receiving medical benefits or a health care professional hospital, nursing home, or other facility that provides Medicaid services
- the Medicaid ID number
- the date of services
- the amount of money involved, and/or
- a description of the acts that you suspect involve fraud
- Do not give your Medicaid card number to anyone except your doctor, hospital or other health care provider
- Do not ask your doctor or other medical provider for medical care you do not need.
- Be suspicious if you are offered free screenings or tests in exchange for your Medicaid card number.
- Ask questions if someone wants you to have services or treatments that you feel you do not need. If necessary, get a second opinion from another health care provider.
- Do not accept money or gifts from anyone who offers to buy medicine that you have received through Medicaid.
Those who report fraud to the Office of Attorney General may be entitled to a reward if they report a criminal case that results in a fine, penalty or forfeiture of property. To find out more, contact the Office of the Attorney General at 1-866-966-7226 or Report Medicaid Fraud.
While committing significant resources to protect the public’s interest, the Attorney General’s Office will always welcome the assistance of the citizens in fighting against health care fraud. Under Florida’s False Claims Act, persons who blow the whistle on Medicaid Fraud are entitled to share in any funds recovered by the state. Please visit the Attorney General's Medicaid Fraud Control Unit page to report your suspicions of fraud or abuse.