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2017 Expedited Certificate of Need (CON) Applications

2017 Expedited Certificate of Need (CON) Applications

CON No.District/ SubdistrictCountyApplicantProject FacilityProject DescDecisionDecision DateDOAH NumberFinal Order DateFinal Agency Action

X10474 [ pdf 179.8 kB ]
8/2COLLIERTerracina III, LLCTerracina III, LLCTransfer CON 10339 to construct a 30-bed community nursing home in Collier CountyA01/13/2017   

X10475 [ pdf 238 kB ]
4/1DUVALFirst Coast Health Ventures, LLCFirst Coast Health Ventures, LLCTransfer CON #10270 for the establishment of a 111-bed community nursing homeA04/20/2017   

X10476 [ pdf 240.2 kB ]
11/1MIAMI-DADEFlorida International Medical Center, LLCFlorida International Medical Center, LLCTransfer Exemption #E16022 for the establishment of a 213-bed community nursing homeA04/11/2017   

X10485 [ pdf 226.6 kB ]
1/1ESCAMBIANF Nine Mile, LLCNF Nine Mile, LLCTransfer Exemption #E160017 for the establishment of a 90-bed community nursing homeA04/12/2017   

X10491 [ pdf 185.8 kB ]
3/6HERNANDOOak Hill Health and Rehabilitation, LLCOak Hill Health and Rehabilitation, LLCTransfer CON #'s 10261 and 10262, combined by exemption #E160018, from Colony SNF Operations, LLC to Oak Hill Health and Rehabilitation, LLC to construct a 109-bed community nursing homeA08/16/2017   

X10492 [ pdf 266.8 kB ]
5/1PASCOBlue Heron Health and Rehabilitation, LLCBlue Heron Health and Rehabilitation, LLCTransfer CON #10403 from Pasco SNF Operations, LLC to Blue Heron Health and Rehabiliitation, LLC to establish a 64-bed community nursing homeA08/16/2017   

X10493 [ pdf 282.5 kB ]
8/2COLLIERCC-Naples, Inc.Bentley Care CenterTransfer CON #10406 from SRGL Naples, LLC to CC-Naples, Inc. to add 38 community nursing home bedsA10/23/2017   

X10494 [ pdf 312.2 kB ]
9/4PALM BEACHFI - Palm Beaches, LLCThe Rehabilitation Center of the Palm BeachesAdd 10 community nursing home beds through the delicensure of 10 beds at Finnish-American VillageA10/05/2017   

X10504 [ pdf 249.7 kB ]
3/4MARIONRetirement Five, LLCRetirement Five, LLCTransfer CON 10257 from Marion County Development, LLC to Retirement Five, LLC to construct a 120-bed community nursing homeA12/29/2017   

A = Approved
P = Partial approval
D = Denied
W = Withdrawn

*DOAH = Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH). Not all CON decisions are challenged. Challenges should be noted on this website within two months of the initial Agency decision. Recommended Orders and Agency Final Orders can be viewed on the DOAH websites by entering the Case Number at: http://www.doah.state.fl.us/internet/default.cfm

Final Agency action may be appealed to the District Court of Appeals (DCA). DCA mandates are not tracked on this website. Please contact the Agency Clerk with any questions about DCA mandates at 850.412.3689.