Non-Waived Laboratories
*If you are seeking information about professional licenses, please visit the Department of Health's web site at:
All facilities, including physician offices, performing any clinical Laboratory testing, are required to obtain a federal Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendment (CLIA) certificate. Facilities performing any non-waived clinical Laboratory testing or testing using a microscope must also obtain a state clinical Laboratory license before the Laboratory is authorized to perform testing. Tests performed using a microscope are not waived. To determine whether a test is waived, see the List of Waived Tests at the federal web site:, which provides CLIA categorizations.
The CLIA program separately bills the Laboratory for payment. CLIA fees should never be sent to the State of Florida.
Effective July 1, 2018, the Agency will discontinue the licensure program for non-waived laboratories.
Help Aids
- How to Calculate Test Volumes and/or Fees
- Program Overview Brochure
- Lab Director Info s
- Quality Assurance